The Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA), an effective altruism (EA) project which recently spun out of Effective Ventures (EV) is spinning out of the newly established Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA).
The current CEO of CEA (the Centre for Effective Altruism), Zach Robinson, CEO of CEA and Effective Ventures (CEOCEV), will be taking the position of Chief Executive Administrator (CEA) for CEA (CEA), as the venture spins out of CEA (CEA).
The cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) for this new effective venture suggested that this venture will be high-EV (see: EA). CEA’s CEA’s CEA ventures that the new spun-out CEA venture’s effectiveness is cost-effective in every available scenario (CEAS).
CEA’s new strategy, See EA will take effect:
- See: Gain a better understanding of where the community is, who is part of it and where it could go
- EA: Effective altruism. No need to complicate things.
To provide some clarity on this rather confusing scenario, here is a diagram:
This reflects the critical need for EA to engage more outside branding consultants! If six figures had been spent on such labors, there's a 60% chance that the consultants would have identified the opportunity to show a clear break with the past / reform orientation by re-spelling "Centre" in the US-normal way....
What's that? "Hub"? Doesn't sound right to me.