The EA mindset of focusing on doing the most good can exacerbate mental health issues (particularly self-esteem, guilt, and insecurity). It seems like this is occasionally addressed in blog posts (such as those by Julia Wise at Giving Gladly and Nate Soares' Replacing Guilt series) or podcasts (like Howie's 80k episode). But is there anyone working full-time on trying to improve the mental health of EAs at a large scale - e.g. by generating more material like this? And if not, what would the best interventions for someone in that position to try? I'm thinking particularly about a hypothetical person funded by grants to do so, since it doesn't seem like something which relies too heavily on being at an existing org.
I've recently received a grant from EA Funds for a pilot project on exactly this!
I'll be publishing a series of articles on the Forum over the next several weeks looking at the most effective ways people can improve their wellbeing.
I'm currently in the weeds of researching a whole range of potential interventions/ suggestions but excited to move forward soon with publishing some initial findings.
Definitely keen to discuss the project with anyone interested/ with ideas they think could be useful/ possibly wanting to contribute.
[edit: I've now written up a rough explanation of the project's aims and concept here:]