This post was prompted by the fact that so many EAs I think could be promising have not applied for 80k coaching yet even though they want to and intend to.
This is your reminder to go apply. Yes, right now. Otherwise, there is far too big of a chance that it will end up on your eternal to-do list, and you might even develop an ugh field around it, and that would be terrible because many more people should go talk to 80k.
From my understanding, they can do a lot more than just career advice - like connecting you to relevant people, or opening your mind to entirely new tracks you hadn't considered before.
Go apply here if this is a relevant call-to-action. This post is meant to get this task off your to-do list—so getting it done ASAP is probably a good idea.
I suggest you change the title to say 80K advising rather than consulting, since that's what they refer to it as. I was wondering if 80K launched a new consulting service!
Ah, good point. Done!