I’d like to run a very rough survey to get a better sense of:
- How you feel about the Frontpage change we’re currently testing
- What changes to the site — how it's set up and organized — you think could help us have discussions better
- What conversations you'd like to see on the Forum
- And more
So I think that in many discussions "murder and assault is bad" is a reasonable conclusion along that axis. And there are many axes of discussion.
Look at FTX. I reckon we could agree that:
Those might seem like pretty simple conclusions, but agreement is good! It helps us move forward and figure out what we disagree on. I think it would be genuinely healthy for community discourse if in the Bostrom/Cotton-Barrett cases we could have found where the baseline agreement was. I think that makes a lot of people feel safer.
edit: I'd appreciate some comments on where you lot disagree