TL;DR: Lately I talked to several people who'd consider cofounding an EA startup but are blocked by having no concrete idea. Help! Please post your ideas here and I'll get potential CTOs to read them
The rest of the post is only if you're unsure what such people often would or wouldn't want to work on, feel free to skip it and just pitch your idea or share this question with someone else. This is all somewhat time sensitive. Thanks!
They're looking for something that feels like a startup
Such as Momentum, Wave, or Metaculus.
Not something that feels like a side project, such as a small chrome extension.
Also not a "regular" job as a senior software developer. They are aware of the 80k job board as an option, this post is aiming at something else.
Something that EAs have some kind of advantage in
For example "we care about this more than usual". Something that would explain why nobody else already implemented the idea just to make a ton of money.
Ideally there's a CEO
Especially if it's a very ambitious idea such as "a twitter that promotes high quality conversations" which many people tried and it's unclear (to me) how to pull it off.
Ideally the CEO would post here and be open for questions.
Ideas I'm aware of
- Ambitious Altruistic Software Engineering Efforts: Opportunities and Benefits
- Even More Ambitious Altruistic Tech Efforts
- A list of technical EA projects
- What Are Your Software Needs?
I'm still going over them, but this is time sensitive, so posting meanwhile
The closest matches so far:
- Prediction market ideas: I'm checking those out
- Ambitious Twitter-like ideas: Blocked by the CEO problem
BOAS ( is the world's first marketplace that donates all profits to save lives and we need a CTO to help us scale and get funding (we're pre-seed).We launched in January 2022 and we’ve grown to more than 1.500 products (almost 100% MoM) and growing our active users at around 50% MoM and we spent no money on advertising.You can the role and detailed tasks in our jobs page. You can apply there or send me a DM with any questions! Even if this is not you, please share the message with someone who might be a great CTO. Thanks in advance!