Alex Rahl-Kaplan 🔸

Community Building Grants Associate @ CEA
657 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)


(previously a community builder at EA NYC)


Sorted by New


I appreciate hearing how this might have resonated with you! And good questions...

I do think being able to explore different opportunities and kinds of work helped me identify relative interests. But I don't think I have a foolproof plan.

To simplify my career planning, I imagine it's like I'm trying to find the overlapping center of the "Ikigai" Venn diagram model; working at EA NYC has helped me improve my understanding of what I'm good at, what I enjoy, what the world needs, and what I can be paid for (in varying capacities). 

Ultimately, however, I have a limited understanding of myself and the world, so I am still trying to answer these questions. Also, all of the above factors are constantly changing, albeit some more than others. 

So while reflecting and gaining experience through EA NYC has been helpful, it's also helped to (gradually) accept that the world is really complicated and that there may be moving targets.

Thanks for your questions - this was a valuable reflection exercise for me. Basically, I'm not super confident in my plans, so I'm curious how others think about things too!

Thanks so much for sharing, Sofia! It's interesting to hear how this does (or does not) relate to your experience :)

Thanks for putting this together! Related promotion for our fledgling group:

Dear fellow Tesla employees,

Please message me if you are interested in joining our workplace group. At the time of this writing, we are also in need of other organizers/co-founders!

I look forward to hearing from you.


Alex Kaplan (NY)