Update 22/03/2023
The EA Creatives and Communicators Slack has merged with the EA Anywhere slack, as part of a big merger of EA slacks. You can join EA Anywhere here: https://join.slack.com/t/eavirtualmeetupgroup/shared_invite/zt-nnm9fyfp-kPS1R98d~SW5soPRcfegoQ
There are channels for creatives there such as #role-creators, #role-designers, #role-writers, #role-marketing and #role-artists.
Also, if you're a creative or communicator within EA, it would be cool if you could fill in this form.
Hi, I'm Leo, and I am running an EA-inspired charity evaluator in China, helping Chinese donors give to the most effective charities. We have a Chinese-language blog on effective giving, where our team post effective giving-related content. May I ask to join the channel?