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A technique I've found useful in making complex decisions where you gather lots of evidence over time -- for example, deciding what to do after your graduation, or whether to change jobs, etc., where you talk to lots of different people and weigh lots of considerations -- is to make a spreadsheet of all the arguments you hear, each with a score for how much it supports each decision.

For example, this summer, I was considering the options of "take the Open Phil job," "go to law school," and "finish the master's." I put each of these options in columns. Then, I'd hear an argument like "being in school delays your ability to take a full-time job, which is where most of your impact will happen"; I'd add a row for this argument. I thought this was a very strong consideration, so I gave the Open Phil job 10 points, law school 0, and the master's 3 (since it was one more year of school instead of 3 years). Later, I'd hear an argument like "legal knowledge is actually pretty useful for policy work," which I thought was a medium-strength consideration, and I'd give these options 0, 5, and 0.

I wouldn't take the sum of these as a final answer, but it was useful for a few reasons:

  • In complicated decisions, it's hard to hold all of the arguments in your head at a time. This might be part of why I noticed a strong recency bias, where the most recent handful of considerations raised to me seemed the most important. By putting them all in one place, I could feel like I was properly accounting for all the things I was aware of.
  • Relatedly, it helped me avoid double-counting arguments. When I'd talk to a new person, and they'd give me an opinion, I could just check whether their argument was basically already in the spreadsheet; sometimes I'd bump a number from 4 to 5, or something, based on them being persuasive, but sometimes I'd just say, "Oh, right, I guess I already knew this and shouldn't really update from it."
  • I also notice a temptation to simplify the decision down to a single crux or knockdown argument, but usually cluster thinking is a better way to make these decisions, and the spreadsheet helps aggregate things such that an overall balance of evidence can carry the day.
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