I sometimes say, in a provocative/hyperbolic sense, that the concept of "neglectedness" has been a disaster for EA. I do think the concept is significantly over-used (ironically, it's not neglected!), and people should just look directly at the importance and tractability of a cause at current margins.
Maybe neglectedness useful as a heuristic for scanning thousands of potential cause areas. But ultimately, it's just a heuristic for tractability: how many resources are going towards something is evidence about whether additional resources are likely to be impactful at the margin, because more resources mean its more likely that the most cost-effective solutions have already been tried or implemented. But these resources are often deployed ineffectively, such that it's often easier to just directly assess the impact of resources at the margin than to do what the formal ITN framework suggests, which is to break this hard question into two hard ones: you have to assess something like the abstract overall solvability of a cause (namely, "percent of the problem solved for each percent increase in resources," as if this is likely to be a constant!) and the neglectedness of the cause.
That brings me to another problem: assessing neglectedness might sound easier than abstract tractability, but how do you weigh up the resources in question, especially if many of them are going to inefficient solutions? I think EAs have indeed found lots of surprisingly neglected (and important, and tractable) sub-areas within extremely crowded overall fields when they've gone looking. Open Phil has an entire program area for scientific research, on which the world spends >$2 trillion, and that program has supported Nobel Prize-winning work on computational design of proteins. US politics is a frequently cited example of a non-neglected cause area, and yet EAs have been able to start or fund work in polling and message-testing that has outcompeted incumbent orgs by looking for the highest-value work that wasn't already being done within that cause. And so on.
What I mean by "disaster for EA" (despite the wins/exceptions in the previous paragraph) is that I often encounter "but that's not neglected" as a reason not to do something, whether at a personal or organizational or movement-strategy level, and it seems again like a decent initial heuristic but easily overridden by taking a closer look. Sure, maybe other people are doing that thing, and fewer or zero people are doing your alternative. But can't you just look at the existing projects and ask whether you might be able to improve on their work, or whether there still seems to be low-hanging fruit that they're not taking, or whether you could be a force multiplier rather than just an input with diminishing returns? (Plus, the fact that a bunch of other people/orgs/etc are working on that thing is also some evidence, albeit noisy evidence, that the thing is tractable/important.) It seems like the neglectedness heuristic often leads to more confusion than clarity on decisions like these, and people should basically just use importance * tractability (call it "the IT framework") instead.
Upvoted and disagree-voted. I still think neglectedness is a strong heuristic. I cannot think of any good (in my evaluation) interventions that aren't neglected.
Open Phil has an entire program area for scientific research, on which the world spends >$2 trillion
I wouldn't think about it that way because "scientific research" is so broad. That feels kind of like saying shrimp welfare isn't neglected because a lot of money goes to animal shelters, and those both fall under the "animals" umbrella.
US politics is a frequently cited example of a non-neglected cause area, and yet EAs have been able to start or fund work in polling and message-testing that has outcompeted incumbent orgs by looking for the highest-value work that wasn't already being done within that cause.
If you're talking about polling on AI safety, that wasn't being done at all IIRC, so it was indeed highly neglected.
Fair enough on the "scientific research is super broad" point, but I think this also applies to other fields that I hear described as "not neglected" including US politics.
Not talking about AI safety polling, agree that was highly neglected. My understanding, reinforced by some people who have looked into the actually-practiced political strategies of modern campaigns, is that it's just a stunningly under-optimized field with a lot of low-hanging fruit, possibly because it's hard to decouple political strategy from other political beliefs (and selection effects where especially soldier-mindset people go into politics).
But neglectedness as a heuristic is very good precisely for narrowing down what you think the good opportunity is. Every neglected field is a subset of a non-neglected field. So pointing out that great grants have come in some subset of a non neglected field doesn't tell us anything.
To be specific, it's really important that EA identifies the area within that neglected field where resources aren't flowing, to minimize funging risk. Imagine that AI safety polling had not been neglected and that in fact there were tons of think tanks who planned to do AI safety polling and tons of funders who wanted to make that happen. Then even though it would be important and tractable, EA funding would not be counterfactually impactful, because those hypothetical factors would lead to AI safety polling happening with or without us. So ignoring neglectedness would lead to us having low impact.
I agree that a lot of EAs seem to make this mistake but I don't think the issue is with the neglectedness measure, ime people often incorrectly scope the area they are analysing and fail to notice that that specific area can be highly neglected whilst also being tractable and important even if the wider area it's part of is not very neglected.
For example, working on information security in USG is imo not very neglected but working on standards for datacentres that train frontier LMs is.
Disagree-voted. I think there are issues with the Neglectedness heuristic, but I don’t think the N in ITN is fully captured by I and T.
For example, one possible rephrasing of ITN is: (certainly not covering all the ways in which it is used)
I think this is a great way to decompose some decision problems. For instance, it seems very useful for thinking about prioritizing research, because (3) helps you answer the important question "If I don’t solve P, will someone else?" (even if this is also affected by 2).
(edited. Originally, I put the question "If I don’t solve P, will someone else?" under 3., which was a bit sloppy)
- Would it be good to solve problem P?
- Can I solve P?
What is gained by adding the third thing? If the answer to #2 is "yes," then why does it matter if the answer to #3 is "a lot," and likewise in the opposite case, where the answers are "no" and "very few"?
Edit: actually yeah the "will someone else" point seems quite relevant.
Very much agree.
Also, some of the more neglected topics tend to be more intellectually interesting and especially appealing if you have a bit of a contrarian temperament. One can make the mistake of essentially going all out on neglectedness and mostly work on the most fringe and galaxy-brained topics imaginable.
I've been there myself: I think I've spent too much time thinking about lab universes, acausal trade, descriptive population ethics, etc.
Perhaps it connects to a deeper "silver bullet worldview bias": I've been too attracted to worldviews according to which I can have lots of impact. Very understandable given how much meaning and self-worth I derive from how much good I believe I do.
The real world is rather messy and crowded, so elegant and neglected ideas for having impact can become incredibly appealing, promising both outsized impact and intellectual satisfaction.
I love this take and I think you make a good point but on balance I still think we should keep neglectedness under "ITN". It's just a framework it ain't clean and perfect. You're right that an issue doesn't have to be neglected to be a potentially high impact a cause area. I like the way you put it here.
"Maybe neglectedness useful as a heuristic for scanning thousands of potential cause areas. But ultimately, it's just a heuristic for tractability'
That's good enough for me though.
I would also say that especially in global development, relative "importance" might become less "necessary" part of the framework as well. If we can spend small amounts of money solving relatively smallish issues cost effectively then why not?
You're examples are exceptions too, most of the big EA causes were highly neglected before EA got involved.
When explaining EA to people who haven't heard of it, neglectedness might be the part which makes the most intuitive sense, and what helps people click. When I explain the outsized impact EA has had on factory farming, or lead elimination, or AI Safety because "those issues didn't have so much attention before", I sometimes see a lightbulb moment.
I think this depends crucially on how, and to what object, you are applying the ITN framework:
On the whole, it seems to me that the further you move aware from abstract evaluations of broad cause areas, and more towards concrete interventions, the less it's necessary or appropriate to depend on broad heuristics and the more you can simply attempt to estimate expected impact directly.
I think the opposite might be true: when you apply it to broad areas, you're likely to mistake low neglectedness for a signal of low tractability, and you should just look at "are there good opportunities at current margins." When you start looking at individual solutions, it starts being quite relevant whether they have already been tried. (This point already made here.)
That's interesting, but seems to be addressing a somewhat separate claim to mine.
My claim was that that broad heuristics are more often necessary and appropriate when engaged in abstract evaluation of broad cause areas, where you can't directly assess how promising concrete opportunities/interventions are, and less so when you can directly assess concrete interventions.
If I understand your claims correctly they are that:
I generally agree that applying broad heuristics to broad cause areas is more likely to be misleading than when you can assess specific opportunities directly. Implicit in my claim is that where you don't have to rely on broad heuristics, but can assess specific opportunities directly, then this is preferable. I agree that considering whether a specific intervention has been tried before is useful and relevant information, but don't consider that an application of the Neglectedness/Crowdedness heuristic.
I agree and made a similar claim previously. While I believe that many currently effective interventions are neglected, I worry that there are many potential interventions that could be highly effective but are overlooked because they are in cause areas not seen as neglected.
Biggest disagreement between the average worldview of people I met with at EAG and my own is something like "cluster thinking vs sequence thinking," where people at EAG are like "but even if we get this specific policy/technical win, doesn't it not matter unless you also have this other, harder thing?" and I'm more like, "Well, very possibly we won't get that other, harder thing, but still seems really useful to get that specific policy/technical win, here's a story where we totally fail on that first thing and the second thing turns out to matter a ton!"
Cluster thinking vs sequence thinking remains unbeaten as a way to typecast EA disagreements. It's been a while since I saw it discussed on the forum. Maybe lots of newer EAs don't even know about it!
Are you a US resident who spends a lot of money on rideshares + food delivery/pickup? If so, consider the following:
Giving now vs giving later, in practice, is a thorny tradeoff. I think these add up to roughly equal considerations, so my currently preferred policy is to split my donations 50-50, i.e. give 5% of my income away this year and save/invest 5% for a bigger donation later. (None of this is financial/tax advice! Please do your own thinking too.)
In favor of giving now (including giving a constant share of your income every year/quarter/etc, or giving a bunch of your savings away soon):
In favor of giving later:
Another important consideration in favor of giving now—if you earn a steady income—is that your donations this year only represent a small % of your lifetime giving.
In fact, if you think the giving-now arguments strongly outweigh giving-later but you expect to earn most of your income in the future, then it might make sense to borrow money to donate and repay the loans out of future income. But that's difficult in practice.
Another one you missed is that the world is getting better over time, so we should expect donation opportunities in the future to be worse.
I think some of the AI safety policy community has over-indexed on the visual model of the "Overton Window" and under-indexed on alternatives like the "ratchet effect," "poisoning the well," "clown attacks," and other models where proposing radical changes can make you, your allies, and your ideas look unreasonable.
I'm not familiar with a lot of systematic empirical evidence on either side, but it seems to me like the more effective actors in the DC establishment overall are much more in the habit of looking for small wins that are both good in themselves and shrink the size of the ask for their ideal policy than of pushing for their ideal vision and then making concessions. Possibly an ideal ecosystem has both strategies, but it seems possible that at least some versions of "Overton Window-moving" strategies executed in practice have larger negative effects via associating their "side" with unreasonable-sounding ideas in the minds of very bandwidth-constrained policymakers, who strongly lean on signals of credibility and consensus when quickly evaluating policy options, than the positive effects of increasing the odds of ideal policy and improving the framing for non-ideal but pretty good policies.
In theory, the Overton Window model is just a description of what ideas are taken seriously, so it can indeed accommodate backfire effects where you argue for an idea "outside the window" and this actually makes the window narrower. But I think the visual imagery of "windows" actually struggles to accommodate this -- when was the last time you tried to open a window and accidentally closed it instead? -- and as a result, people who rely on this model are more likely to underrate these kinds of consequences.
Would be interested in empirical evidence on this question (ideally actual studies from psych, political science, sociology, econ, etc literatures, rather than specific case studies due to reference class tennis type issues).
I broadly want to +1 this. A lot of the evidence you are asking for probably just doesn’t exist, and in light of that, most people should have a lot of uncertainty about the true effects of any overton-window-pushing behavior.
That being said, I think there’s some non-anecdotal social science research that might make us more likely to support it. In the case of policy work:
Also, in the case of public advocacy, there's some empirical research (summarized here) that suggests a "radical flank effect" whereby overton-window shifting activism increases popular support for moderate demands. There's also some evidence pointing the other direction. Still, I think the evidence supporting is stronger right now.
P.S. Matt Yglesias (as usual) has a good piece that touches on your point. His takeaway is something like: don’t engage in sloppy Overton-window-pushing for its own sake — especially not in place of rigorously argued, robustly good ideas.
I think Yudkowsky's public discussion of nuking data centres has "poisoned the well" and had backlash effects.
I'd also like to add "backlash effects" to this, and specifically effects where advocacy for AI Safety policy ideas which are far outside the Overton Window have the inadvertent effect of mobilising coalitions who are already opposed to AI Safety policies.
A technique I've found useful in making complex decisions where you gather lots of evidence over time -- for example, deciding what to do after your graduation, or whether to change jobs, etc., where you talk to lots of different people and weigh lots of considerations -- is to make a spreadsheet of all the arguments you hear, each with a score for how much it supports each decision.
For example, this summer, I was considering the options of "take the Open Phil job," "go to law school," and "finish the master's." I put each of these options in columns. Then, I'd hear an argument like "being in school delays your ability to take a full-time job, which is where most of your impact will happen"; I'd add a row for this argument. I thought this was a very strong consideration, so I gave the Open Phil job 10 points, law school 0, and the master's 3 (since it was one more year of school instead of 3 years). Later, I'd hear an argument like "legal knowledge is actually pretty useful for policy work," which I thought was a medium-strength consideration, and I'd give these options 0, 5, and 0.
I wouldn't take the sum of these as a final answer, but it was useful for a few reasons:
Another one you missed is that the world is getting better over time, so we should expect donation opportunities in the future to be worse.