This has been bugging me for a while. Tbh, the most useful interface for me was the 1.0 forum, which allowed filtering by highest rating over several different time ranges, as well as showing some useful data on the front page.
V2.0 no doubt had some advantages, but I found that often I'd be reading a post, close the window, want to go back and find it a pain in the butt to find the post again.
The latest version has reached the point where I just don't see the point of visiting the forum any more - as far as I can see, the only option is the default date-order one, which means I'm essentially going to see a random set of noise on visiting. [ETA - on closer inspection it seems that the 'recent posts' section is mislabelled, and actually has some magic sorting formula based on some combination of karma, recency, and perhaps other factors. So I guess we have two lists, but 'magic' sorts (ie sorts whose outcome I can't predict with a little thought and basic knowledge of the posts in question) seem to me to be less useful than any explicit kind - even date-sorting.]
I'm not trying to make an argument here, merely express a grumble/opinion that something important has been lost in the interface. In that spirit I suggest people just up/downvote this post according to whether they share the sentiment.
(in related feedback, it'd be nice to have proper polling option available)
Thanks for bringing up suggestions like filtering by subject matter and rankings - I imagine it's really useful for the forum team to hear what improvements people most want, and how people typically use the forum.
I downvoted though, because I think it could be expressed in a kinder and more constructive way. It would have been nice if the title was more like a specific feature request rather than a general attack on someone's hard work, and if the post included some appreciation for things that have been improved over the years, and the hard work people have put in to make that happen. It might also be good to rephrase particularly loaded statements like 'The latest version has reached the point where I just don't see the point of visiting the forum any more'. Being in effective altruism is kind of challenging, because we're always trying to do everything as well as we can, and optimise. I think that makes it all the more important for us all to try to be as supportive and caring to each other as we can.
My impression, incidentally, is that the search functionality is decidedly better than it was on the old forum: the search results seem to be more related to what I'm looking for, and be easier to sort through (eg separating 'comments' and 'posts')
On LessWrong we intentionally didn't want to encourage pictures in the comments, since that provides a way to hijack people's attention in a way that seemed too easy. You can use markdown syntax to add pictures, both in the markdown editor and the WYSIWYG editor.