On 17 February 2024, the mean length of the main text of the write-ups of Open Philanthropy’s largest grants in each of its 30 focus areas was only 2.50 paragraphs, whereas the mean amount was 14.2 M 2022-$[1]. For 23 of the 30 largest grants, it was just 1 paragraph. The calculations and information about the grants is in this Sheet.
Should the main text of the write-ups of Open Philanthropy’s large grants (e.g. at least 1 M$) be longer than 1 paragraph? I think greater reasoning transparency would be good, so I would like it if Open Philanthropy had longer write-ups.
In terms of other grantmakers aligned with effective altruism[2]:
- Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) produces an in-depth report for each organisation it incubates (see CE’s research).
- Effective Altruism Funds has write-ups of 1 sentence for the vast majority of the grants of its 4 funds.
- Founders Pledge has write-ups of 1 sentence for the vast majority of the grants of its 4 funds.
- Future of Life Institute’s grants have write-ups roughly as long as Open Philanthropy.
- Longview Philanthropy’s grants have write-ups roughly as long as Open Philanthropy.
- Manifund's grants have write-ups (comments) of a few paragraphs.
- Survival and Flourishing Fund has write-ups of a few words for the vast majority of its grants.
I encourage all of the above except for CE to have longer write-ups. I focussed on Open Philanthropy in this post given it accounts for the vast majority of the grants aligned with effective altruism.
Some context:
- Holden Karnofsky posted about how Open Philanthropy was thinking about openness and information sharing in 2016.
- There was a discussion in early 2023 about whether Open Philanthropy should share a ranking of grants it produced then.
- ^
Open Philanthropy has 17 broad focus areas, 9 under global health and wellbeing, 4 under global catastrophic risks (GCRs), and 4 under other areas. However, its grants are associated with 30 areas.
I define main text as that besides headings, and not including paragraphs of the type:
- “Grant investigator: [name]”.
- “This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. [Organisation] staff also reviewed this page prior to publication”.
- “This follows our [dates with links to previous grants to the organisation] support, and falls within our focus area of [area]”.
- “The grant amount was updated in [date(s)]”.
- “See [organisation's] page on this grant for more details”.
- “This grant is part of our Regranting Challenge. See the Regranting Challenge website for more details on this grant”.
- “This is a discretionary grant”.
I count lists of bullets as 1 paragraph.
- ^
The grantmakers are ordered alphabetically.
Thanks for engaging as well. I think I disagree with much of the framing of your comment, but I'll try my best to only mention important cruxes.
I don't think wordcount is a good way to measure information shared.
I don't think wordcount is a fair way to estimate (useful) information shared. I mean it's easy to write many thousands of words that are uninformative, especially in the age of LLMs. I think to estimate useful information shared, it's better to see how much people actually know about your work, and how accurate their beliefs are.
As an empirical crux, I predict the average EAF reader, or EA donor, knows significantly more about LTFF than they do about CE, especially when adjusting for number of employees[1]. I'm not certain that this is true since I obviously have a very skewed selection, so I'm willing to be updated otherwise. I also understand that "EAF reader" is probably not a fair comparison since a) we crosspost often on the EA Forum and maybe CE doesn't as much, and b) much of CE's public output is in global health, which at least in theory has a fairly developed academic audience outside of EA. I'd update towards the "CE shares a lot more information than EA Funds" position if either of the following turned out to be true:
I don't think "per amount granted" is a particularly relevant denominator when different orgs have very different numbers of employees per amount granted.
I don't know how many employees CE has. I'd guess it's a lot (e.g. 19 people on their website). EA Funds has 2 full-time employees and some contractors (including for grantmaking and grants disbursement). I'm ~ the only person at EA Funds who has both the time and inclination to do public writing.
Obviously if you have more capacity, you can write more.
I would guess most EA grantmakers (the orgs you mentioned, but also GiveWell) will have a closer $s granted/FTEs ratio to EA Funds than to CE.
If anything, looking at the numbers again, I suspect CE should be devoting more efforts to fundraising and/or finding more scalable interventions. But I'm an outsider and there is probably a lot of context I'm missing.
I don't think grantmakers and opinionated incubators are a good like-for-like comparison.
Does that mean I think CE staff aren't doing useful things? Of course not! They're just doing very different things. CE calls itself an incubator but much of their staff should better be understood as "researchers" trying to deeply understand an issue. (Like presumably they understand the interventions their incubees work on much better than say YC does). It makes a lot of sense to me that researchers for an intervention can and will go into a lot of depth about an intervention[2]. Similarly, EA Funds' grantees also can and often do go into a lot of depth about their work.
The main difference between EA Funds is that as a superstructure, we don't provide research support for our grantees. Whereas you can think of CE as an org that provides initial research support for their incubees so the incubees can think more about strategy and execution.
Just different orgs doing different work.
As a practical matter, I neither want to write 500-1000 pages/year of grants nor think it's the best use of my time.
Nobody else at EA Funds has time/inclination to publicly write detailed reports. If we want to see payout reports for any of the funds this year, most likely I'd have to write it myself. I personally don't want to write upwards of a thousand grants this year. It frankly doesn't sound very fun.
But I'm being paid for impact, not for having fun, so I'm willing to make such sacrifices if the utility gods demand it. So concretely, I'd be interested in what projects I ought to drop to write up all the grants. Eg, to compare like-for-like, I'd find it helpful if you or others can look at my EA Funds' related writings and tell me which posts I ought to drop so I can spend more time writing up grants.
EA Funds has ~2 full-time employees, and maybe 5-6 FTEs including contractors.
And indeed when I did research I had a lot more time to dive into specific interventions than I do now.