On 17 February 2024, the mean length of the main text of the write-ups of Open Philanthropy’s largest grants in each of its 30 focus areas was only 2.50 paragraphs, whereas the mean amount was 14.2 M 2022-$[1]. For 23 of the 30 largest grants, it was just 1 paragraph. The calculations and information about the grants is in this Sheet.
Should the main text of the write-ups of Open Philanthropy’s large grants (e.g. at least 1 M$) be longer than 1 paragraph? I think greater reasoning transparency would be good, so I would like it if Open Philanthropy had longer write-ups.
In terms of other grantmakers aligned with effective altruism[2]:
- Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) produces an in-depth report for each organisation it incubates (see CE’s research).
- Effective Altruism Funds has write-ups of 1 sentence for the vast majority of the grants of its 4 funds.
- Founders Pledge has write-ups of 1 sentence for the vast majority of the grants of its 4 funds.
- Future of Life Institute’s grants have write-ups roughly as long as Open Philanthropy.
- Longview Philanthropy’s grants have write-ups roughly as long as Open Philanthropy.
- Manifund's grants have write-ups (comments) of a few paragraphs.
- Survival and Flourishing Fund has write-ups of a few words for the vast majority of its grants.
I encourage all of the above except for CE to have longer write-ups. I focussed on Open Philanthropy in this post given it accounts for the vast majority of the grants aligned with effective altruism.
Some context:
- Holden Karnofsky posted about how Open Philanthropy was thinking about openness and information sharing in 2016.
- There was a discussion in early 2023 about whether Open Philanthropy should share a ranking of grants it produced then.
- ^
Open Philanthropy has 17 broad focus areas, 9 under global health and wellbeing, 4 under global catastrophic risks (GCRs), and 4 under other areas. However, its grants are associated with 30 areas.
I define main text as that besides headings, and not including paragraphs of the type:
- “Grant investigator: [name]”.
- “This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. [Organisation] staff also reviewed this page prior to publication”.
- “This follows our [dates with links to previous grants to the organisation] support, and falls within our focus area of [area]”.
- “The grant amount was updated in [date(s)]”.
- “See [organisation's] page on this grant for more details”.
- “This grant is part of our Regranting Challenge. See the Regranting Challenge website for more details on this grant”.
- “This is a discretionary grant”.
I count lists of bullets as 1 paragraph.
- ^
The grantmakers are ordered alphabetically.
Less importantly,
You previously said:
> The mean length of the write-up of EA Funds' grants is 14.4 words
So I'm a bit confused here.
Also for both LTFF and EAIF, when I looked at mean amount granted in the past, it was under $40k rather than $76k. I'm not sure how you got $76k. I suspect at least some of the difference is skewed upwards by our Global Health and Development fund. Our Global Health and Development fund has historically ~only given to GiveWell-recommended projects, and