Update 2: While some updates have been made to the wiki by the community since I originally created this list (4 years ago), I am not actively updating the wiki or this post. This post still gets quite a few views each month, so I am adding a disclaimer here to make it clear that this post is very out of date at this stage.
Update: After some suggestions in the comments I made a wiki, which anyone can add to. Hopefully this will enable us to keep the list up to date.
I’ve constantly been discovering new, exciting organisations in the years since I got involved in EA. Recently, I came across WANBAM (Women and Non-Binary Altruism Mentors) and wished that I’d known about it sooner, so I could’ve started recommending it to people who I thought would be interested. It then occurred to me that people probably have similar experiences all the time in EA. I couldn’t find a comprehensive list of EA-related organisations that already existed, so I decided to make one. By collecting as many EA-related organisations as I can into one place, I hope I can help some people to discover some exciting orgs that they wouldn’t have otherwise!
What this is: A list of organisations that are aligned with some of EA’s key principles. The organisations I have included tend to meet a least one of these criteria:
- Have explicitly aligned themselves with EA
- Are currently recommended by GiveWell or Animal Charity Evaluators
- Were incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship
- Have engaged with the EA community (e.g. by posting on the EA Forum or attending EA Global)
What this is not: A comprehensive list of every organisation which should be considered ‘EA-aligned’. I don’t think this is a useful or even possible distinction to make, since many organisations lie on a continuum of commitment to EA values. As is obvious from scrolling the 80,000 Hours job board, there are many thousands of organisations out there which do effective work in EA cause areas.
I have not included EA projects which don’t hire staff, or which are national/local EA groups (some of which hire paid staff) to keep the list more straightforward. Despite my best efforts, I imagine I’ve accidentally left off some organisations which should be on here (or potentially added some which shouldn’t be), so I welcome any comments with suggestions of changes!
80,000 Hours – Does research into how people can have greater impact with their careers. Also maintains a high impact jobs board and produces a podcast.
Animal Advocacy Careers – Seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement, by providing career services and advice. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) – Evaluates and recommends the most effective animal charities.
Ayuda Efectiva - Promotes effective giving in Spain. Their Global Health Fund routes donations to a selection of GiveWell's recommended charities, providing tax deductibility for Spanish donors. They plan to launch similar funds for other cause areas in the near future.
Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA) – Helps to grow and support the EA community.
Charity Entrepreneurship – Does research into the most effective interventions and incubates charities to implement these interventions.
Doebem - A Brazilian-based donation platform which recommends effective charities according to EA principles.
Donational - A donation platform which recommends effective charities to users, and helps them to pledge and allocate a proportion of their income to those charities.
Effective Altruism Foundation (EAF) – Implements projects aimed at doing the most good in terms of reducing suffering. Once initiated, projects are carried forward by EAF with differing degrees of independence and in some cases become autonomous organisations. Projects have included Raising for Effective Giving (REG) and the Centre on Long-Term Risk (CLR).
Effective Giving UK/Netherlands – Helps major donors to find and fund the most promising solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
Effektiv-Spenden.org - The name roughly translates to 'effective giving' in German. The organisation is a dedicated donation regranting platform for Germany that was founded in coordination with the Effective Altruism Foundation. Its main goal is to expand the appeal of donations to effective charities beyond the EA community to the general public by offering a curated set of effective charities for a selected subset of broadly appealing cause areas.
Founders Pledge – A community of entrepreneurs who have pledged to give a percentage of the proceeds they make when they exit their company to charity. Researchers at Founders Pledge provide advice on the most high impact giving opportunities to the pledgers.
Generation Pledge - Works with a community of inheritors in ultra high net wealth families who are committed to doing good with the resources they have available. Offers opportunities to these individuals to learn, connect, collaborate and take action to create large-scale positive impact.
GiEffektivt.No - A donation portal based in Norway that fundraises for GiveWell’s top charities ('gi effektivt' means 'give effectively'). Promotes the idea of donating effectively and makes donations easier by lowering transaction costs and offering tax refunds to Norweigian donors.
GiveWell – Evaluates and recommends the most effective charities in global health.
Giving Multiplier.org - A website that encourages people to donate to effective charities by splitting their donation between their favourite (non-recommended) charity and a recommended effective charity. The website then matches between 2 and 20% of the donation depending on what proportion the user allocated to the effective charity.
Giving What We Can (GWWC) – A community which encourages people to pledge to donate a percentage of their income to effective charities.
Global Priorities Institute (GPI) – An interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Oxford which conducts foundational research (particularly in philosophy and economics) to inform the decision-making of individuals and institutions seeking to do as much good as possible.
High Impact Athletes - Channels donations from current athletes, retired athletes, sport institutions, and sports fans to the most effective and evidence-based charities in the sectors of Global Health & Poverty and Environmental Impact.
Let's Fund - Helps people to discover and fund breakthrough research, policy and advocacy projects. Their researchers use the principles of Effective Altruism to find the projects that they believe will do a lot of good, through in-depth, public research.
One for the World – Educates students and young professionals about effective giving and encourages them to donate at least 1% of their income to effective charities. Organises ‘chapters’ which are groups run by volunteers to spread the message at their universities/churches/businesses.
Open Philanthropy Project – Aims to help philanthropy improve lives effectively through research and grantmaking. Makes grants in areas including U.S. policy, farm animal welfare and global catastrophic risks.
Raising for Effective Giving (REG) - Promotes the idea of effective giving, provides donation advice to individuals and organizations, and supports fundraising campaigns and events. Recommends charities within the areas of poverty alleviation, animal welfare, and risks from emerging technologies.
Rethink Charity – Produces novel research and community building projects to elevate the effective altruism community toward greater positive impact. Past projects include Rethink Priorities (now an independent organisation) and Students for High Impact Charity (SHIC). Current projects are RC Forward and the EA Hub.
Rethink Priorities – A think tank dedicated to figuring out the best ways to make the world a better place, initially founded as a project of Rethink Charity. Their research is focused on improving the welfare of nonhuman animals, but they also work on existential risks such as nuclear war.
SoGive - An online tool that lets you see the impact you’ve made in the world through your charitable giving. The tool will have in-built formulae and analytics to let you see the change you've made in the world in terms like "I funded the distribution of 30 malaria nets in Africa" instead of "I gave £100 to charity".
The Life You Can Save (TLYCS) – Organisation founded by Peter Singer which recommends effective non-profits and promotes effective giving.
Animal Advocacy
Albert Schweitzer Foundation – An ACE recommended charity which conducts corporate and vegetarian outreach campaigns.
Anima International – An ACE recommended charity which runs corporate campaigns, undercover investigations, online and offline ad campaigns and outreach.
Animal Ask - Aims to assist animal advocacy organizations in their efforts to reduce farmed animal suffering by providing research to help optimise and prioritise future asks (the specific request for industry, food companies, or government to improve the welfare of animals in their care). Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Animal Ethics – Does outreach and research to help animals. This includes work on sentience, speciesism, and wild animal suffering.
Aquatic Life Institute – Advises and funds research to help aquatic animals. Uses these findings to guide welfare interventions.
Credence Institute - A South African non-profit dedicated to advancing the interests of animals. Have launched Animal Advocacy Africa as a project.
Farmed Animal Funders - A decentralised funding collaborative, aimed at expediting the end of factory farming through collaboration and shared learning. Open to all individuals and foundations giving more than $250,000 per year to end factory farming.
Faunalytics – Does research and produces resources to help charities and individuals be more effective animal advocates.
Fish Welfare Initiative – Works to improve the welfare of farmed fish through welfare interventions. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
The Good Food Institute – An ACE recommended charity which promotes and develops competitive alternatives to animal-based meat, dairy, and eggs.
The Humane League – An ACE recommended charity which runs a variety of programs that advocate for farmed animals including corporate outreach, online veg advertising, and individual outreach.
Wild Animal Initiative – Does research to understand and improve the lives of wild animals.
Global Health and Poverty
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) – Aims to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. They do this through research, policy outreach, and training.
Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) – A GiveWell recommended charity working to prevent malaria.
Canopie – Addresses mental health for pre- and postpartum women through guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Currently developing and testing a program to treat pregnancy-related mental health issues in the United States, with plans to scale to a low- or middle-income country in 2022. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
END Fund (deworming programme) – GiveWell recommends their deworming programme.
Evidence Action (Deworm the World Initiative programme) – GiveWell recommends their Deworm the World Initiative programme.
Family Empowerment Media (FEM) - Aims to enable informed family planning and birth spacing decisions through radio-based communication. Will produce and distribute public service announcements and interactive programs to increase awareness and knowledge of modern forms of contraception. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Fortify Health – Aims to tackle anaemia and neural tube defects in India through flour fortification. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
GiveDirectly – A GiveWell recommended charity working on cash transfers.
Happier Lives Institute (HLI) – Researches the best ways to increase global wellbeing. This includes theoretical research on wellbeing measurement as well as practical research into effective interventions. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Helen Keller International (Vitamin A supplementation programme) – GiveWell recommends their Vitamin A supplementation programme.
IDInsight - A global advisory, data analytics, and research organisation that helps development leaders maximize their social impact. Tailors a range of data and evidence tools, including randomized evaluations and machine learning, to help decision-makers design effective programs and rigorously test what works to support communities.
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) – A research and policy non-profit that discovers and promotes effective solutions to global poverty problems. Brings together researchers and decision-makers to design, rigorously evaluate, and refine these solutions and their applications, ensuring that the evidence created is used to improve the lives of the world’s poor.
Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP) – Advocates for lead paint regulation to reduce lead poisoning. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Malaria Consortium – A GiveWell recommended charity working to prevent malaria.
New Incentives - A GiveWell recommended charity which works in North West Nigeria to increase the uptake of routine immunizations through cash transfers.
Policy Entrepreneurship Network – Supports local grassroots initiatives across the world working on important yet neglected issues in public health policy. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
SCI Foundation – A GiveWell recommended charity working on deworming.
Sightsavers (deworming programme) – GiveWell recommends their deworming programme.
Suvita – An organisation incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship. Recently merged with Charity Science Health, which had been working to send SMS reminders about immunisations to caregivers. The combined organisations now run two complementary programmes – SMS reminders and immunisation ambassadors – which they aim to scale up across India to increase vaccination uptake.
Far Future
Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED) – Does research into threats to global food security and ways in which we could feed the world if global food production were significantly threatened.
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations – An informal cross-party group of members of Parliament in the UK. Raises awareness of long-term issues, explores ways to internalise longer-term considerations into decision-making processes, and creates space for dialogue on combating short-termism in policymaking.
Alpenglow - Connects policymakers to leading academics who work on some of the most important long-term challenges facing the world, with the goal of help to convert cutting edge research into actionable policy recommendations. It is a UK-based organisation with current focuses including AI, biosecurity and climate change.
Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI) – Provides support to the ‘x-risk ecosystem’ (organisations such as FHI and CHAI) by providing funding, staff time and administrative support.
Centre for Human-Compatible AI (CHAI) – Aims to reorient the general thrust of AI research away from the capability to achieve arbitrary objectives and towards the ability to generate provably beneficial behaviour.
Centre on Long-term Risk (CLR) – A project of EAF. Does research, awards grants and scholarships, and hosts workshops, with a focus on advancing the safety and governance of artificial intelligence as well as understanding other long-term risks.
Centre for the Study of Existential Risks (CSER) - An interdisciplinary research centre within the University of Cambridge working on the study and mitigation of existential risks.
Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) – a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford led by Nick Bostrom. Academics at FHI use the tools of mathematics, philosophy, and social sciences to tackle big-picture questions about humanity and its prospects.
Future of Life Institute (FLI) – A non-profit seeking to improve the long-term future of humanity on a global scale. Focused on making sure that artificial intelligence is beneficial and reducing risks from nuclear weapons and biotechnology.
Global Catastrophic Risk Institute (GCRI) – A think tank that analyses risks to the survival of human civilisation.
Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) – Aims to build a new interdisciplinary community of researchers who work together to ensure that humans make the best of the opportunities of artificial intelligence over the coming decades.
Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) – Does foundational mathematical research to ensure smarter-than-human artificial intelligence has a positive impact.
Projekt Framtid - A project of EA Sweden. The goal of the project is to promote long-term policies that take sufficient account of the interests of future generations when political decisions are made in Sweden.
Sentience Institute – A social science think tank building on and promoting the body of evidence for how to encourage humanity’s moral circle expansion most effectively.
The Centre for Election Science (CES) - Empowers voters through voting methods that strengthen democracy. CES accomplishes its mission through research and collaborating to pass ballot initiatives for approval voting. CES maintains that approval voting elects more consensus-style candidates and is more likely to maintain governmental stability over a long time frame in addition to providing near-term benefit.
The Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research - Promotes academic work that addresses the question of how to use our resources to improve the world by as much as possible, especially in the domain of the long-term future. Is planning to offer scholarships and fellowships to students in global priorities research and research grants for established scholars. It is a project of CEA.
Centre for Applied Rationality (CFAR) – Does research into methods to improve human rationality and delivers workshops to teach these skills to high-promise individuals.
Centre for Enabling EA Learning and Research (CEEALAR) – The ‘EA Hotel’ in Blackpool. Makes grants to individuals and charities in the form of free or subsidised accommodation at the hotel. Whilst at the hotel, guests can work on research, projects or pursue further study without worrying about funding themselves.
Giving Green – A new initiative at IDinsight that aims to direct dollars towards evidence-backed projects that combat the climate crisis. Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.
High Impact Careers in Government (HIPE) – Helps civil servants in the UK to do the most good they can by running workshops and events, doing research and providing one-on-one career coaching.
Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS) - Advocates for solutions to causes of intense suffering and advocates for evidence-based global decision-making which prioritises the prevention and alleviation of intense suffering. Currently focused on cause areas including access to pain relief, treatment of cluster headaches and ending factory farming.
Our World in Data – Researches, analyses, and presents data on their website about the world’s most pressing problems. Aims to make knowledge about these problems accessible and understandable.
Qualia Research Institute (QRI) - A non-profit research group attempting to study consciousness in a consistent, meaningful, and rigorous way. Much of their work is guided by the goal of understanding the nature of what is good, and how we can do the most good.
Sentience Politics - An anti-speciesist political think tank with the goal of reducing the suffering of all sentient beings. Originally established as a project of EAF.
SparkWave - A startup foundry that applies social science, strategic thinking, and iterative experimentation to create socially beneficial software companies. Has founded companies including Clearer Thinking (a website for improving decision making and accessing science-based tools), UpLift (an app for treating depression) and Positly (a platform for fast recruitment of study participants).
The Legal Priorities Project - Conducts legal research that tackles the world’s most pressing problems. Currently focusing on artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, climate change and institutional design.
WANBAM – Aims to inspire and support women, trans people of any gender, and non-binary people who are pursuing high-impact career paths by matching them with mentors.
Thanks for this! Here are some other organisations that I think should be included:
Global Health and Poverty:
IDInsight - IPA and J-PAL are on this list, so I think IDInsight should be on this list too
Here are some other fundraising organizations that I know of:
Generation Pledge
Meanwhile, there are these two organizations started by EAs that have a research and fundraising aspect:
Let's Fund
Far Future
Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Nuclear Threat Initiative
^The last 3 organizations here are included in CEA's list of organizations you can donate to via their site, so I think that's a possible reason why they should be included more than others: https://app.effectivealtruism.org/donations/new/organizations. I'll leave it up to you whether you will include all of these orgs above or not, but at least someone scrolling to the comments will see these.
Some other organizations that I think don't have to be on this list but are still worth mentioning are:
There are also these other interesting EA-aligned projects that most people don't know about:
Also, if anyone here wants to view a visual "competitive analysis" of charity evaluation and fundraising orgs that I made as a volunteer for SoGive, it's here: https://www.figma.com/file/kmh7xjBV5TmbXD6DUHQaFB/EA-and-Non-EA-Charity-Evaluation-and-Fundraising-Orgs-Competitive-Analysis?node-id=0%3A1. It includes mostly EA-aligned organizations only, but there are also non-EA aligned ones like Charity Navigator here (since they were still in the same general space as SoGive).
Hope all of this info helps!
Thank you for those recommendations Brian, much appreciated! I have added the majority of them onto the list :)
Jamie, thanks for the list! Can you please add Ayuda Efectiva to the Infrastructure section? Suggested text:
"Ayuda Efectiva promotes effective giving in Spain. Their Global Health Fund routes donations to a selection of GiveWell's recommended charities, providing tax deductibility for Spanish donors. They plan to launch similar funds for other cause areas in the near future."
Added! It's so great to find out about all these EA orgs I hadn't heard of before!
Thanks! Yes, it is great to see a lot of doers out there :-)
Thank you so much for putting together this valuable collection!
This is just the kind of effort we need in order to make EAHub better. There is already an organisations page on EAHub but it's missing some of the organisations you listed. I encourage anyone who is willing to invest in collection activities to contact EAHub and join their team, so we can eventually build a strong knowledge center for the community.
I'd just like to make a quick clarification for anyone reading this that the list of organisations is in the Hub Resources, which is independently managed from the Hub by the CEA Groups Team/Catherine Low.
This should really be a Wiki page instead since these lists (I even made one myself in the past) always become outdated.
What about creating a list in GitHub? Does it make sense?
Anyone can suggest modifications there + it could be directly used as a source to create interactive tables...
I haven't used GitHub before - how intuitive is it for people without IT background?
Else, maybe www.notion.so could be an option? I've often seen this used for wikis.
Notion is a great idea! I know how to use that already so I went ahead and made the wiki. Here's the page. Please let me know what you think of it (and whether you can edit it okay and everything).
I'm not familiar with GitHub, but if anyone sees this and thinks it is worthwhile to convert this list onto GitHub then please do!
Good idea! Would recommend to coordinate with the EA Hub as they already have such an overview (though not a wiki afaik) to avoid creating duplicates.
Would you be able to add The Center for Election Science? We would fall under Far Future or Other, though preferably Far Future.
The Center for Election Science (CES) - Empowers voters through voting methods that strengthen democracy. CES accomplishes its mission through research and collaborating to pass ballot initiatives for approval voting. CES maintains that approval voting elects more consensus-style candidates and is more likely to maintain governmental stability over a long time frame in addition to providing near-term benefit.
I saw this now and was surprised that you prefer to fall under Far Future (which I take to mean something like >1000 years). When you talk about improving stability over a long time frame, what time frame are you thinking of?
This is actually a more complicated response. One of my next essays will be on this topic, so thanks for asking!
Thanks, looking forward reading it :)
Added! Thanks!
Thanks a million for that!
It would be so cool if someone put this on a map...
This is a really helpful list! I noticed a couple of organizations that I consider EA aligned that should perhaps be on the list:
Thank you for this! I won't add DMI, since it is currently a GiveWell standout charity rather than a 'top charity' (and my criteria is just to list their top charities, in order to keep this list easier to manage!).
I'll add OPIS - that's a great addition!
Cool list! I'm surprised there aren't more organisations on this list that meet at least one of your three criteria.
Some comments below and further examples that focus mostly on animal advocacy, because it's the area I'm most knowledgeable about, but could probably be applied similarly to other cause areas. I'm partly sharing these comments because we use similar criteria to work out which organisations to focus Animal Advocacy Careers' research on (e.g. our spot-check of nonprofit roles, and we have a survey we're going to send out in the next few weeks), and I'm interested in feedback.
Agreed. It get's pretty messy, whichever criteria you use, because all are subjective. I tend to think of the two main criteria as:
(1) Explicit identification and alignment with the goals and principles of effective altruism.
(2) High cost-effectiveness.
This is one group's judgement on goal (2). For Animal Advocacy Careers, I've been using the slightly looser definition of any organisations that are currently or formerly "Top Charities" or "Standout charities." This would add quite a few to your list.
If you wanted to broaden/loosen the criteria a bit further (but still use evaluations by external groups, rather than your own judgement), the next steps might be:
Similar to my (1) but your definition is a bit narrower, I think. I think that there are a large number of organisations that would fit this criterion to some extent. Groups from your list who fit this, in my opinion:
But also, most of the organisations on the list above of ACE current or former top or standout charities (perhaps especially Mercy For Animals, Animal Equality, and ProVeg). Again, many of the orgs in the Open Wing Alliance arguably fit this criterion.
Interesting. I guess this is a proxy for both my (1) and (2)? Credence Institute fit this criterion.
This seems veeeery broad and I imagine there are lots that would be added by this criterion. Personally I wouldn't use it. Some that I can remember off the top of my head that fit this:
But I'm sure there are many more, I just haven't been tracking it.
Lower importance comment: Given that both 80,000 Hours and Animal Charity Evaluators are in "Infrastructure," I'd put Animal Advocacy Careers in that category too. Maybe also WANBAM and CEEALAR. I'd also reclassify Sentience Institute as "Far future" since that is our focus, even if our work to date has mostly focused on animal advocacy(e.g.s of two exceptions); we have forthcoming work on artificial sentience, for example.
Thank you for this Jamie!
I had quite a debate about whether to expand the list to some of these charities. I decided against it in the end in order to keep the list to a manageable length (for both me and people reading it).
Good suggestions! I already had ALI on the list but the rest I hadn't heard of/realised that they aligned with EA. I'll make some additions to the list!
Yeah, I can see that there's a fair amount of randomness introduced by this criterion (I obviously haven't attended every EA Global or read every EA Forum post). However, I like that it allows for the addition of orgs that I know definitely apply EA thinking but don't necessarily mention EA on their website.
Thanks again for your comment. Sorry this reply is a bit late and hope the survey went well!
This is a great list, and I really appreciate your "what this is" / "what this is not" introduction! I shared some thoughts elsewhere which are somewhat specific to BERI, but also relate to the more general question of what it means to be "EA-related" or "EA-aligned": https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/fXcN6kBpzfqjowc5D/does-the-berkeley-existential-risk-initiative-self-identify?commentId=zxCh3eDYpJNzn2Djj
It's interesting that you were working on this as this exact issue came up during a project I was working on with Dan Hageman on directing folks to EA-aligned charities for employer gift matching. You can see the criteria that we set, though we don't have a more exhaustive list that you're attempting.
I've copied the content of this post to the Org Update tag, which can be used as a Wiki. How does it look like to you?
Looks good! Thank you for this!
Cool, added Animal Advocacy Africa :)
Thanks for making this! Readers might also find my Database of orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work useful. That builds on this (among other things), but includes many orgs not featured here and includes additional info in a database format, though focusing only on orgs relevant to longtermist/x-risk work.
For convenience, I'll quote the first part of the post below:
"Here’s a version of the database that you filter and sort however you wish, and here’s a version you can add comments to.
Key points
I’m addicted to creating collections and have struck once more.
The titular database includes >130 organizations that are relevant to people working on longtermism- or existential-risk-related issues, along with info on:
I aimed for (but likely missed) comprehensive coverage of orgs that are substantially focused on longtermist/x-risk-related issues and are part of the EA community.
I also included various orgs that are relevant despite being less focused on longtermism/x-risks and/or not being part of the EA community. But one could in theory include at least hundreds of such orgs, whereas I just included a pretty arbitrary subset of the ones I happen to know of.
I made this relatively quickly, based it partly on memory & guesswork, and see it as a minimum viable product that can be improved on over time. So please:
Here’s a snippet of what the database looks like (from the "view" focused on "Funders/funding-influencers"):
I made this database and wrote this post in a personal capacity, not as a representative of my employers."
I was surprised to see Our World In Data on this list. Which of the criteria holds?
Turns out that 80k just published a talk with Max Roser (who leads OWID). He seems to be at least well acquainted with EA and funded by EAs
Giving the EA funding saturation situation, it would be great to see this list include room for more funding (RFMF), or link to a spreadsheet similar to GiveWell's (that Ben Todd tweeted about), but for all EA related orgs.
Does anyone know if this list is up to date or if there is an up-to-date list of all EA orgs?
Some people have been adding to the wiki (linked at the top of this list) but I doubt that the updates have captured all the new orgs in EA in the last couple of years.
Thank you !
Such a good list, have meant to write one myself for a while and am pleased that you did it :)