I've been writing a few posts critical of EA over at my blog. They might be of interest to people here:
- Unflattering aspects of Effective Altruism
- Alternative Visions of Effective Altruism
- Auftragstaktik
- Hurdles of using forecasting as a tool for making sense of AI progress
- Brief thoughts on CEA’s stewardship of the EA Forum
- Why are we not harder, better, faster, stronger?
- ...and there are a few smaller pieces on my blog as well.
I appreciate comments and perspectives anywhere, but prefer them over at the individual posts at my blog, since I have a large number of disagreements with the EA Forum's approach to moderation, curation, aesthetics or cost-effectiveness.
ARPU is per quarter. $68.44/quarter or $200/year is really high but:
1. it includes revenues from Instagram and Whatsapp, but only counts Facebook users
2. Facebook is crazy good at selling ads, compared to e.g. Reddit (or afaik anything else)