I'm interested in stories of people changing the way they interact with the EA movement/community, whether they've become more deeply involved or dialed down their involvement. This seems like a good way to understand what EA's "infrastructure" (organizations, communities, etc.) is doing well or badly.
Has your involvement changed in the last ~12 months? If so, what factors were important in that change?
Examples might include:
- Getting a new job in the community
- Attending your first conference
- Taking a pledge related to your giving
- Having a personal experience that made EA feel more meaningful or special to you
- Finding a new job/hobby/community outside of EA that led you to become less engaged
- Having an unpleasant interaction that made you feel somewhat alienated from EA
The main thing that originally drove me away from the movement was people being dismissive toward causes that the EA movement doesn't focus on. At the time, I believed that conventional causes like climate change and international human rights advocacy (e.g. Amnesty International) are worth working on, and I wanted to know more about how they stack up against EA's focus areas. I heard comments like (paraphrased below):