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Hi everyone, I'm Hayven (they/them). It's nice to meet you! I'm new here, and new to Effective Altruism in general. In fact, when I first joined the forum I was still kind of skeptical of EA, but the articles, resources, and discussions here definitely sold me on the community / movement.
I'm a program evaluator and data analyst by trade, but my biggest professional and philosophical passion is animal rights and welfare (I see them as equivalent and inseparable). I've been vegan for 12 years now, and have done some advocacy and activism for animal rights. In all that time, I saw very little of what might be called a "rational approach" to animal advocacy. Our activism was about convincing individuals to stop consuming animal products out of personal compassion. This is a good thing, I think, but the problem is that arguments appealing to compassion will only appeal to the already compassionate. If someone just doesn't care about the animals, all the vegan arguments in the world won't convince them.
Then I found the EA community, and saw that you were taking concrete, evidence-based actions to improve the lives of animals. Advancing rational arguments for their welfare, funding animal welfare initiatives and cellular agriculture, trying to get relevant laws changed--these are things that will have a much bigger impact for non-human sentient lives than bolt-cutting and handing out flyers ever will. Everything else I've seen so far in EA, from the focus on AI safety to the inclusive, kind community, tells me I've made the right decision to join up and help make the world a better place.
Outside of work and activism, I'm really into reading (especially fantasy-adventure and sci-fi novels and manga), hiking, cooking, language-learning, and travel. I have no kids, two cats, and sometimes rescue animals, too. My favorite thing to do on a cold winter's day is to cross-country ski, then sit inside with a coffee and a good book.
Anyway, it's lovely to meet you all, and I look forward to contributing to the Forum and the EA community as a whole.
Hi there! I'm sorry that I didn't sae this earlier (the holiday season has been extremely busy for me!). To answer your question ("how do EA animal advocacy programs differ from typical vegan advocacy organizations' initiatives?"), there are three main differences (and one minor thing to keep in mind):
- EA animal welfare advocacy isn't necessarily focused on total animal liberation in the immediate term -- although animal liberation is absolutely our ultimate goal. Because EA is based on utilitarian ethics (in a nutshell, utilitarianism is the moral cl
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