If you're new to the EA Forum:
- Consider using this thread to introduce yourself!
- You could talk about how you found effective altruism, what causes you work on and care about, or personal details that aren't EA-related at all.
- (You can also put this info into your Forum bio.)
- If you have something to share that doesn't feel like a full post, add it here! (You can also create a quick take.)
- You might also share good news, big or small (See this post for ideas.)
- You can also ask questions about anything that confuses you (and you can answer them, or discuss the answers).
For inspiration, you can see the last open thread here.
Other Forum resources
I'm interested in chatting with people who are member of corporate giving or employee EA groups at large companies, or whose companies have generous donation matching.
I work for EA Funds. I'm interested in getting more awareness of EA Funds (Long-Term Future Fund, EA Infrastructure Fund, Animal Welfare Fund, and Global Health and Development Fund) in front of busy professionals. Ideally these are busy people who are sympathetic to either EA or one of the constituent cause areas, but who might not have as much time or inclination to carefully evaluate donation options for themselves. (I imagine a small percentage of people like that are explicitly earning-to-give, and it's more common to see people donating in the 1-10% region).
I haven't done this before, so I'm happy to be a resource in whatever manner is most useful. For example, I can provide links or short excerpts about which fund does. I can also give talks or Q&As in case any employee group has an open spot.
So if you are an employee in a large company that takes corporate giving or employee giving seriously, please reach out to me!
You might want to reach out to the groups listed here: https://www.highimpactprofessionals.org/groups
I think you'll also probably reach more of your target audience by posting things like these as quick take instead of on the Open Thread, but I'm not sure.