Share your information in this thread if you are looking for full-time, part-time, or limited project work in EA causes[1]!
We’d like to help people in EA find impactful work, so we’ve set up this thread, and another called Who's hiring? (we did this last in 2022[2]).
Consider sharing this thread with friends who aren't on the Forum, but might be interested in getting involved in this kind of work. They will need to make an account to post, but we think it is worth it!
If you have any feedback on these threads, please DM me or comment below.
Take part in the thread
To take part in this thread, add an 'Answer' below. Here's a template:
TLDR: [1-line summary of the kind of work you're looking for and anything particularly relevant from your background or interests. ]
Skills & background: [Outline your strengths and job experience, as well as your experience with EA if you think that might be relevant. Links to past projects have been particularly valuable for past job seekers]
Location/remote: [Current location & whether you're willing to relocate or work remotely]
Availability & type of work: [Note whether you're only available during a particular period, whether you're looking for part-time work, etc...]
Resume/CV/LinkedIn: ___
Email/contact: [you can also suggest that people DM you on the Forum]
Other notes: [Describe your cause area preferences if you have them, expand on the type of role you are looking for, etc... Hiring managers fed back after our last round of threads that they sometimes couldn't tell whether prospective hires would be interested in the roles they were offering.]
Questions: [IF YOU HAVE ANY: Consider sharing uncertainties you have, other questions, etc.]
Example answer[3]
Read some hiring tips here:
- Yonatan Cale’s quick take on using this thread effectively.
- Don't think, just apply! (usually)
- How to think about applying to EA jobs
Job boards & other resources
If you want to explore EA jobs, check out the related Who’s hiring? thread, or the resources below:
- The 80,000 Hours Job Board compiles a huge amount of open roles; there are over 800 jobs listed right now.
- You can filter to exclude "career development" roles, set up alerts for roles matching your preferred criteria, and browse roles by organisation or "collection."
- The "Job listing (open)" page is a place to explore positions people have shared or discussed on the EA Forum (see also opportunities to take action).
- The EA Opportunity Board collects internships, volunteer opportunities, conferences, and more — including part-time and entry-level job opportunities.
Other resources include Probably Good's list of impact-focused job boards, the EA job postings and EA volunteering Facebook groups, and these lists of project ideas you might be able to work on independently. (If you have other suggestions for what I should include here, please comment on this post or send me a DM!)
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I phrase it this way to include explicitly EA organisations, as well as organisations which do not call themselves EA, but work on causes with significant support within EA such as farmed animal welfare or AI risk.
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TLDR: I'm looking for entry-level communications jobs or writing-heavy roles. My experience is mostly in writing (of different kinds) and tutoring students.
Skills & background: I write a lot and have some undergraduate research experience and familiarity with legal work. I finished my BA in history in May 2023 (see [my thesis]). I spent two summers as a legal intern at [Place], and have been tutoring for a year now. I also speak Spanish. I helped run my university EA group in 2022-2023. You can see some of my public writing for [our student newspaper] and [on my blog].
Location/remote: I live in Austin, Texas, and am willing to relocate or work remotely.
Availability & type of work: I can start at any point, and am interested in part-time or full-time paid roles.
Resume/CV/LinkedIn: [Link]
Email/contact: DM me on the Forum.
Other notes: I don't have specific cause area preferences (arguments for all the causes often discussed here are compelling to me), although I've been drawn to animal welfare for a while so that's probably more intrinsically motivating to me.
Questions: If anyone has suggestions for opportunities I should pursue for career growth (instead of direct impact), I'd be interested in suggestions!
TLDR: Generalist with a focus on research and with a background in data science, looking for full-time or part-time work
Skills & background:
Location/remote: I live in Austria (UTC+1) and would prefer to work remotely (I’m willing to travel!). I’m open to relocating within Europe for the right role.
Availability & type of work: I’m primarily interested in full-time roles, but open to part-time and project-based work. I’ll be available from March onwards. I’m most excited about (generalist) research, M&E, and data analyst roles, but also interested in operations and program management. Open to roles that don’t fall into any of these categories if you think I may be a good fit!
Resume/CV/LinkedIn: See here.
Email/contact: Happy to send you my email or Calendy; just DM me on the Forum.
Other notes: I’m primarily looking for work in global health/development and animal advocacy, although I’m also excited about roles in mental health, climate change, pandemic preparedness, and meta EA.