Edit to add (9/1/2023): This post was written quickly and I judged things prematurely. I also regret not reaching out to Effective Ventures before posting it. Regarding my current opinion on the Abbey: I don't have anything really useful to say that isn't mentioned by others. The goal of this post was to ask a question and gather information, mostly because I was very surprised. I don't have a strong opinion on the purchase anymore and the ones I have are with high uncertainty. More thoughts in my case for transparent spending.
Yesterday morning I woke up and saw this tweet by Émile Torres: https://twitter.com/xriskology/status/1599511179738505216
I was shocked, angry and upset at first. Especially since it appears that the estate was for sale last year for 15 million pounds: https://twitter.com/RhiannonDauster/status/1599539148565934086
I'm not a big fan of Émile's writing and how they often misrepresent the EA movement. But that's not what this question is about, because they do raise a good point here: Why did CEA buy this property? My trust in CEA has been a bit shaky lately, and this doesn't help.
Apparently it was already mentioned in the New Yorker piece: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/08/15/the-reluctant-prophet-of-effective-altruism#:~:text=Last year%2C the Centre for Effective Altruism bought Wytham Abbey%2C a palatial estate near Oxford%2C built in 1480. Money%2C which no longer seemed an object%2C was increasingly being reinvested in the community itself.
"Last year, the Centre for Effective Altruism bought Wytham Abbey, a palatial estate near Oxford, built in 1480. Money, which no longer seemed an object, was increasingly being reinvested in the community itself."
For some reason I glanced over it at the time, or I just didn't realize the seriousness of it.
Upon more research, I came across this comment by Shakeel Hashim: "In April, Effective Ventures purchased Wytham Abbey and some land around it (but <1% of the 2,500 acre estate you're suggesting). Wytham is in the process of being established as a convening centre to run workshops and meetings that bring together people to think seriously about how to address important problems in the world. The vision is modelled on traditional specialist conference centres, e.g. Oberwolfach, The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center or the Brocher Foundation.
The purchase was made from a large grant made specifically for this. There was no money from FTX or affiliated individuals or organizations." https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Et7oPMu6czhEd8ExW/why-you-re-not-hearing-as-much-from-ea-orgs-as-you-d-like?commentId=uRDZKw24mYe2NP4eq
I'm very relieved to hear money from individual donors wasn't used. And the <1% suggests 15 million pounds perhaps wasn't spent. Still, I'd love to hear and understand more about this project and why CEA thinks it's cost-effective. What is the EV calculation behind it?
Like the New Yorker piece points out, with more funding there has been a lot of spending within the movement itself. And that's fine, great even. This way more outreach can be done and the movement can grow. But we don't want to be too self-serving, and I'm scared too much of this thinking will lead to rationalizing lavish expenses (and I'm afraid this is already happening). There needs to be more transparency behind big expenses.
Edit to add: If this expense has been made a while back, why not announce it then?
I wanted to provide some context on the recently purchased events venue near Prague that has been discussed here in one of the subthreads. The subthread contains some misleading content, and is not clearly visible, so I am posting this as a top level comment to provide more information on the project. It is extremely long, sorry.
1. My relationship to the project
2. Context for Forum readers
3. Context for outsiders
4. About the project
5. About the venue
6. Communication timelines
1. My relationship to the project
The project is led by Irena Kotikova and was something she started thinking about and working on multiple years ago, before the FTX Future Fund existed.
I am not the recipient of the grant, nor am I responsible for the funding decision: I’m involved in the project as chairman of ESPR, which is a Czech non-profit housing part of the Hostacov project. The ESPR association decided to fiscally sponsor the project because it aligned with our mission (improving epistemics) and we already had the necessary “equivalency determination” to receive tax-exempt funding from a US foundation. However, the Hostacov project is independent and the property is owned by a separate legal entity. The ESPR association is not involved in the operation of the property.
I personally believe the project is good and I’m happy to defend it in my private capacity. The following comments are mine and not made on behalf of the project or its funder. I expect Irena to comment on this as well. (Even more context: I am friends with Irena and have collaborated with her on many projects.)
2. Context for EAs
Irena and I were fairly involved with the Czech government’s Covid response. Our efforts were at least partially successful and likely contributed to preventing thousands of death and preventing some economic damage. However, it also made us quite unpopular among anti-vax and anti-lockdown activists. (In the US context, you can imagine these groups as falling somewhere between the Great Barrington Declaration and QAnon.)
Based on one online media report, these circles noticed the venue purchase and are trying to frame our involvement in a false negative light, ranging from "me and Irena were aware of fraud within FTX" to "both we and FTX are part of an Illuminati conspiracy, we likely knew about the pandemic before it happened, our covid response efforts were part of the plot, and the grant is an expression of gratitude from the Illuminati". Obviously bizarre, but sadly not harmless.
As a result, please note that the Czech media and these Covid sceptics might well find this discussion. So, anything you write on this post could easily be selectively quoted or otherwise used against you or me. I am not trying to prevent people expressing their opinions, but would ask that any speculation (or, for example, digging for the physical addresses of vaguely related entities) be done with the above in mind.
3. Context for outsiders (you can skip if you have followed the forum in past month)
In case you’re not familiar with FTX and its ill-fated philanthropy: FTX was a large crypto exchange that went bankrupt in early November. Soon after it was revealed that its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, lied about the state of their assets and may have used client money in a fraudulent way. I recommend Spencer Greenberg's podcast for more details.
FTX founded a charity, the FTX Future Fund / Foundation. The foundation was small compared to FTX, but quickly became a significant funder in several areas that I find important - AI safety, pandemic preparedness, catastrophic risks, tools to support collective epistemology, teaching critical thinking, etc.
Regardless of what exactly happened at FTX, the result is extremely bad for everyone. First of all for FTX customers - it is unclear what fraction will be returned to them in the bankruptcy proceedings. But it is also bad for people who worked at the FTX Foundation, grant recipients, and those who were promised grants but received nothing.
According to its website, the FTX Foundation has given out hundreds of grants, more than $130M by summer 2022. If they continued their pace, by November this was likely well over $200M. The group of recipients is diverse, from research groups at about half of the top 10 universities in the relevant fields, to tiny non-profits and individuals. Personally, I think that most of the grants were beneficial.
What I want to emphasise is that the grant recipients have done nothing wrong and have nothing to be ashamed of or apologise for.
The implication "you got a grant from a foundation that was sponsored by FTX" => "what you are doing is suspicious" is nonsense.
Unfortunately, some parts of online space are attempting to paint grant recipients as themselves scandalous or immoral, and shaming them. From what I have seen, this is based on ignoring context or on a clearly wrong framing:
1. Suggestive framing like "they got a grant not long before bankruptcy". The implication is that grantees should have done – in addition to basic due diligence about the FTX Foundation being a legitimate entity and usual anti-money laundering – some sort of brilliant investigation to discover that FTX was going to go bankrupt in a few months because of fraud inside it.
This is clearly an unreasonable demand. Ironically, if someone had reliable information proving the insolvency of FTX a few months ago, such information would be extremely valuable - it seems likely that the market worth of this info would be greater than total FTX Foundation donations.
2. Ignoring causality. For example, Irena was working on the discussed project for years. It isn't the case the SBF conceived this.
3. Thinking the grant recipients can just send the money back now. Grants are governed by contracts; organizations are governed by laws and bylaws. What should someone who has received money from the FTX Foundation do? Intuitively, one might think it best to immediately send the money "back" to FTX creditors. In practice, at least for a Czech non-profit, this would be likely illegal: a non-profit governed under Czech law cannot just take a donation it received from the Foundation for a specific purpose and send it to a private entity in the Bahamas. The reasonable option seems to be to wait for how the court proceedings develop, and adhere to contracts and the law. (This is not a legal advice)
4. Liability. Both the law and commonsense protect you if you took an action in good faith, as the grantees did.
4. About the project
As I mentioned earlier, this project hasn’t been announced yet.
While I’m not speaking on behalf of the project, I can try to explain why it seems good, and something like this should exist, from my personal perspective.
I. First, I believe the venue should not be thought of as "EAs for EAs" but rather as something that aims to improve the world. How? By providing a space for topics that are adjacent to EA, such as good epistemics, sanity in times of rapid change, increasingly strong AI, and existential security.
A typical use I imagine is an 'epistemics workshop for decision-makers', with most of the guests not being EAs, but decision-makers or researchers. There are many possible events of the type 'some people should meet and think about something' or 'some people should meet and learn something' where the people meeting and learning is someone else than effective altruists, yet the whole event is quite impactful. In the above mentioned case, you can for example imagine someone working on e.g. regulation of AI in some non-EA capacity understanding better how to think in probability distributions and how to evaluate conflicting statements by various parties.
Overall, I think interventions of this type could be reasonably high-leverage.
II. Second, I believe that the space in which an event is held can make a significant impact on its success. It can easily contribute around 20% to some intuitive "goodness" metric. A stable and amazing venue can also create interesting feedback loops. For example, some people care more about research progress than money and if they have a positive experience at the venue, they may want to return even if monetary incentives point elsewhere.
III. Third, historically, EA and EA-adjacent organisations based in Prague have provided a lot of operational support for various events run by other organisations. This gives me data on the demand for this type of venue.
5. The venue
The venue is a castle located about an hour and a half from Vaclav Havel Airport. Previously, it was operated as a hotel and often hosted events such as weddings or corporate meetings. In its current state, it can host around 60 people, and there is potential for expansion.
The specific venue was selected after Irena scouted for venues for years and investigated dozens of alternatives. I have seen some of the alternatives and, in my opinion, the decisive factor was that the venue was ready to use.
Some of the alternatives were much cheaper but usually required years of expensive reconstruction. Running some of the events I would be excited to happen now seems much more impactful than doing them in 3 years.
Another question could be, why there, and not in some entirely different place. In my view, given the growth of the fields in question, there is a space for multiple venues in different locations, with different use cases.
Compared to the venues in Oxford and near Berkeley, this venue is significantly cheaper, somewhat larger and in better shape.
In terms of travel: the venue is well-located in continental Europe (roughly midway between Berlin and Vienna). Prague Airport has direct flights to most of Europe and travel time from almost any big European airport to the venue is less than 5 hours. In my view, this makes the venue viable for events in Europe longer than roughly 3 or 4 days, and basically globally, for week-long events or longer.
…also, to reiterate, contrary to rumour, the property is not owned by Irena Kotíková or Czech EA association or "EA Prague". Also it's probably worth understanding for people involved, the project is mostly a lot of work, not some sort of leisure spending.
6. Communication timelines
Buying a venue of this size takes time. In this case, it involved multiple checks by lawyers, accountants, and technicians. The grant agreement was signed in July, the transaction was not actually completed and visible in the registry until mid-October. It would have been odd to announce the purchase before the transaction was complete.
I am the writer of the subthread Jan is responding to. You can find my reply here.