I thought I'd run the listening exercise I'd like to see.
- Get popular suggestions
- Run a polis poll
- Make a google doc where we research consensus suggestions/ near consensus/consensus for specific groups
- Poll again
Stage 1
Give concrete suggestions for community changes. 1 - 2 sentences only.
Upvote if you think they are worth putting in the polis poll and agreevote if you think the comment is true.
Agreevote if you think they are well-framed.
Aim for them to be upvoted. Please add suggestions you'd like to see.
I'll take the top 20 - 30
I will delete/move to comments top-level answers that are longer than 2 sentences.
Stage 2
Polis poll here: https://pol.is/5kfknjc9mj
There should be robust whistleblower protections - an anonymous whistleblowing line, after which if nothing happens people are encouraged to go public with concerns.
I think the second line is important here. Robust whistleblowing can start with internal anonymous reporting, but if someone doesn't feel comfortable doing that (or nothing happens) it needs to move to external processes.