I thought I'd run the listening exercise I'd like to see.
- Get popular suggestions
- Run a polis poll
- Make a google doc where we research consensus suggestions/ near consensus/consensus for specific groups
- Poll again
Stage 1
Give concrete suggestions for community changes. 1 - 2 sentences only.
Upvote if you think they are worth putting in the polis poll and agreevote if you think the comment is true.
Agreevote if you think they are well-framed.
Aim for them to be upvoted. Please add suggestions you'd like to see.
I'll take the top 20 - 30
I will delete/move to comments top-level answers that are longer than 2 sentences.
Stage 2
Polis poll here: https://pol.is/5kfknjc9mj
EA organizations should be run democratically, and the karma system, or at least the agreement karma, should also be (more) democratic.
EDIT: I would like to point out that having a lot of disagreement karma doesn't necessarily mean most people disagree. When this suggestion had three votes it had positive agreement karma, but when I returned at five votes it had negative:
I stuck around for a bit to see how the karma would evolve:
What we see is that the downvotes contain a lot more voting weight than the upvotes. This seems logical, people with more voting power have an incentive to use that power to make sure they don't lose it. We really cannot conclude what the EA community believes/wants based on the results of the karma-system, and if we want to know what the community really wants I suggest we use polls/surveys instead.