I thought I'd run the listening exercise I'd like to see.
- Get popular suggestions
- Run a polis poll
- Make a google doc where we research consensus suggestions/ near consensus/consensus for specific groups
- Poll again
Stage 1
Give concrete suggestions for community changes. 1 - 2 sentences only.
Upvote if you think they are worth putting in the polis poll and agreevote if you think the comment is true.
Agreevote if you think they are well-framed.
Aim for them to be upvoted. Please add suggestions you'd like to see.
I'll take the top 20 - 30
I will delete/move to comments top-level answers that are longer than 2 sentences.
Stage 2
Polis poll here: https://pol.is/5kfknjc9mj
I’m pretty confused by this ontology that includes Peter Singer as a radical.
For completeness, my understanding is that, as a philosophical principle, Peter supports the choice of parents to end their own child’s severely disabled life, especially or only as an option for those parents who may understand their newborn is suffering[1].
I do not find the above points radical compared to other narratives that I think could be made about EA.
For a number of reasons that are separate and distinct from points made in this comment, I think it would be good to either not make simple negative characterizations of Peter Singer, or to engage much more comprehensively.
I think a lot of low quality discussion will produce more work for certain people, or have consequential effects in ways that some people may not expect.
If a newborn infant is likely to have a really bad life, then I think we shouldn't say this life must be preserved no matter what. Now, I'm not in a position to judge which infants are going to have good lives or bad lives. The parents of those children are in the best position to judge, provided they get accurate information on the prospects of their child and the impact the child will have on them and their family as well.