Edit from 2022: Consider checking the Forum user manual if you're not sure if something you're looking for might already be possible.
Hello, Forum!
This is Aaron and JP of the EA Forum team.
We spend a lot of time working on the Forum, and we’d like to hear your ideas for making it better. These can be new features or other kinds of requests.
Even if you don’t have suggestions of your own, consider upvoting ideas you like from the comments. That will have nonzero influence on the features we prioritize (though we also take many other factors into account).
If you’d rather make a suggestion privately, get in touch with us through this page.
Edit April 2022: This thread is still very live as you can see by the continual influx of suggestions. We have now synced our asana project with our public Github issues list, so you can see our recorded tasks there.[1] I'd still recommend suggesting features here so that other users can see and discuss them. — JP
- ^
Note: there's a delay between when we write tasks down and when they get triaged into a state that gets synced with Github.
Link to a Feature Suggestion of mine. Essentially it would be nice to be able to filter the Vote History by the actual reactions issued.
E.g. Imagine you wanted to find some comment from >1 year ago. You only remember it changed your mind on something important so you want to filter this list by "Changed my mind".
I wish it was easier to find the best social media discussions of forum posts and quick takes.
E.g. Ozzie flagged some good Facebook discussion of a recent quick take [1], but people rarely do that.
Brainstorm on minimal things you could do:
a. Link to Twitter search results (example). (Ideally you might show the best Twitter discussions in the Forum UI, but I'm not sure if their API terms would permit that.)
b. Encourage authors to link to discussion on other platforms, and have a special place in the UI that makes such links easy to find.
I actually can't
I ~never check the "Quick takes" section even though I bet it has some great stuff.
The reason is that its too hard to find takes that are on a topic I care about, and/or have an angle that seems interesting.
I think I'd be much more likely to read quick takes if the takes had titles, and/or if I could filter them by topic tags.
Maybe you can LLM-generate default title and tag suggestions for the author when they're about to post?
I wish the notifications icon at the top right would have have separate icon to indicate replies to my posts and my comments.
At the moment those get drowned out by notifications about posts and comments from people I follow (which are so numerous that I've been trained to rarely check the notification inbox, because it's such a rabbit hole...), so I often see comments weeks or months too late.
I'd also like to be able to get email notifications for just replies to my posts and replies to my comments.
I think it would make sense to exclude emoji from the audio narrations, especially now that a lot of users are adding diamond emoji to their usernames. The audio software currently reads aloud the emoji even if it is in a username, e.g. "Eevee orange diamond emoji".
Something which has come up a few times, and recently a lot in the context of Debate Week (and the reaction to Leif's post) is things getting downvoted quickly and being removed from the Front Page, which drastically drops the likelihood of engagement.[1]
So a potential suggestion for the Frontpage might be:
- Hide the vote score of all new posts if the absolute score of the post is below some threshold (I'll use 20 as an example)
- If a post hits -20, it drops off the front page
- After a post hits 20+, it's karma score is permanently revealed
- Galaxy-brain version is that Community/Non-Community grouping should only take effect once a post hits these thresholds[2]
- This will still probably leave us with too many new posts to fit on the front page, so some rules to sort which stay and which get knocked off:
- Some consideration to total karma should probably count (how much to weight it is debatable)
- Some consideration to how recent the post is should count too (e.g. I'd probably want to see a new post that got 20+ karma quickly than 100+ karma over weeks)
- Some consideration should also go to engagement - some metric related to either number of votes or comment count would probably indicate which po
... (read more)As a group organizer, I want to know how many people are following our city group on the forum and find out when a new person starts following it. E.g., how many people are following our city group on the forum now compared to before a recent EAGx event?
As a group organizer, it might be nice to be able to DM people who follow our local group, though this may have privacy implications I have not thought through.